How to plan a trip with AI?

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Author: Chonki Blog

Have you ever wondered how modern travelers can plan months of adventures ahead almost effortlessly ? (Well, it requires effort, but it certainly has gotten easier).

With the advent of Tiktok, Reels, Google Maps, Reviews and blogs, finding where to travel to interesting places and how to get there has certainly been easier.

But do you know nowadays you can make your research even faster than with social media using artificial intelligence ? Asking ChatGPT has become a norm, and we're here to take your travel planning with AI to the next level.

In this blog post we will cover how to use for your travels. We are very aware there are plenty of tools nowadays, so feel free to choose any from our Top 10 AI travel planning tools

How to create an AI trip plan using

So let's get rolling. Let's add some super traveler powers to your toolbet, planning your first trip using

Choose itinerary option

Find the toolbar on top and choose an action you want to achieve. Choose "Itinerary" to generate your first AI trip itinerary !

select itinerary option to create ai trip itinerary using chonki ai
select itinerary option to create ai trip itinerary using chonki ai

Choose your destination

Second, choose your destination. Let's plan a weekend in Barcelona since that is one of our favorite cities :)

select the city to create ai trip itinerary using chonki ai
select the city to create ai trip itinerary using chonki ai

Choose how long is the trip

Third, choose how many days we want to go, in this case two, since we're going for the weekend. We suggest going in the spring since Barcelona in the summer can get too crowded.

select how long is your trip to create ai trip itinerary using chonki ai
select how long is your trip to create ai trip itinerary using chonki ai

Choose how many people are going

Fourth, choose how many people you want to generate a travel plan for. This will help with suggestions in case you're traveling with your kids and/or your pets for example.

choose how many people are going to your ai generated plan
choose how many people are going to your ai generated plan

Enjoy your trip

Aaaaaand, youre done ! Smash the button and enjoy your first AI generated trip plan !

Example two day itinerary to visit Barcelona
Example two day itinerary to visit Barcelona

We are constantly tuning our algorithm and our prompts to the language model to keep things fresh. So be sure to try it with different locations and report back ! We'd love to hear what other suggestions you have in a certain city or some extra feature you'd like to have in the planner.

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